Saturday, July 18, 2009

005. Fast FOY

So i did fountain of youth for the first time tonight, thanks to the whole 2-day fast thing. It actually wasn't that bad, though i don't recommend doing it using a TV that's mounted on a wall. I feel like that routine'll really help my flexibility, which is really good because i basically have zero flexibility, lol.

As far as the fast goes, i'm doing fairly well! I added half a scoop of protein powder to my afternoon one and i used shakeology for my dinner one, but i'm not hungry at all. My mouth misses chewing things, as weird as that sounds. I really just want cucumbers and bananas, lol. (Where do i come from with these things?!)

I'm really excited for insanity. The fit test is scaring me (why, i have no idea, but it is) and i'm nervous for it. Probably because it involves writing stuff down. Eek. I hate writing down reps; it always makes me feel so inadequate.

H'okay, i'm gonna go. I might update about my bodybugg soon because i love it so much, lol. Tomorrow's sunday funday, yay! Jet's leading some HIIT and then i'm meeting kelly and jimmy at eisenhower for some family fitness fair fun :)

<3 Jillian


  1. I can't get a Body Bugg in Canada and it totally bums me out ;) If you happen to find out that I can from any of your contacts, let me know using the "normal" way :)

  2. Oh man, if I ever find out that I can get one to you, I totally will! I'll work on finding out how ASAP =] I also log my calorie /intake/ at, which is 100% free. I love it! HUGE food database!


Thanks for your input! I look forward to reading your comments.