Saturday, June 13, 2009

003. No Sunday Funday :(

So today was going to be my 6th day in a row of working out, which would normally be fine, but then I realized tomorrow's Sunday, and I was supposed to go into the city to work out with a bunch of other coaches. Weatherbug said the weather would be fine, so John and I spent the night harrassing Kelly and Jimmy, but said it's going to rain all morning. Ergo, Sunday Funday is cancelled.

I did not work out today because I thought I would be out a rest day if I did, which is not good.

Dilemma: to lift (arms), or to do some light cardio?

I asked one of my friends, and his exact words were, "don't lift because you won't get buff, cardio's the way to go." Now, I'm slowly working on breaking this fitness paradigm. I'm not lifting in hopes of getting "buff," I just want to have some nice muscle tone with very little excess fat. Lifting's the way to go if you want to burn fat. Cardio trims off about 300 calories in a half hour--not very efficient if you ask me, so it would just be for fun if I were to do it now.

My way of thinking is, "do I feel like legitimately sweating, or do I feel like getting through a tough workout with minimal sweat-age, if possible?" Don't get me wrong, I know there's sweat involved with lifting, but not nearly as much as with cardio.

I honestly don't feel like sweating right now, so I think I'm going to lift. imagine if EVERYONE thought like this, instead of "will I work out, or will I watch a movie?" If you make exercise a part of your daily routine, it'll feel like (and be!) more of a choice among options than an obligation :)

Thank you, Sunday Funday!

Friday, June 5, 2009

002. Ugh.

Okay, so I've been insanely sick the last few days. No, I don't mean to use "insanely" as a pun--I'm sorry for that, promise. But in any case, I feel like...ick. Feels like the flu crossed with mono. For the last 3 days. Ew.

But anyway, I finally got my Insanity preview in the mail on Tuesday! (...Now do you see the "insanely" pun I was referring to before? Heh heh.) I tried it out that night and I loved every second of it, even though I was DYING by the last set of "3x4"s. [Each set is 4 moves, and each set is repeated 3 times...hence 3 sets of 4 moves = 3x4s.] That set was ridiculous, but seriously, the whole workout is amazing. I can't even describe how excited I am for the rest of the series.

I also got my Recovery 4 Results One-on-One disc on Tuesday. I was going to do this one on Wednesday (to recover from Insanity the night before!) but then I started to get legitimately sick--spiked a fever, body aches, the whole 9 yards--and decided it wasn't the best idea. HOWEVER, I can't wait to do this one tomorrow. I feel like I'm turning to mush just laying in bed all day! (I haven't had much of an option but to lay in bed all day--every time I'm standing/walking around for more than 2 minutes, I start to feel like I'm going to collapse. ...Yeah, I know, it sucks big time.)

It was really weird. Yesterday, all I wanted was green beans. That's not the weird part--ever since I was little, I've always loved raw vegetables. The weird part was that this morning, for sh!ts and giggles, I got on the scale (even though I knew that the number wouldn't last long) and somehow I had "lost" 3 lbs. I really don't know how! Yesterday I ate an ENTIRE bag of green beans, a container of yogurt, drank a ton of water, had a few wasn't like I didn't eat! I think it's physically impossible to "lose" that much in a span of 24 hours, and therefore I think I need a new scale =] hehe.


I really can't wait to get back to my workout routine tomorrow.

I'm doing it, come hell or high water.