Saturday, June 13, 2009

003. No Sunday Funday :(

So today was going to be my 6th day in a row of working out, which would normally be fine, but then I realized tomorrow's Sunday, and I was supposed to go into the city to work out with a bunch of other coaches. Weatherbug said the weather would be fine, so John and I spent the night harrassing Kelly and Jimmy, but said it's going to rain all morning. Ergo, Sunday Funday is cancelled.

I did not work out today because I thought I would be out a rest day if I did, which is not good.

Dilemma: to lift (arms), or to do some light cardio?

I asked one of my friends, and his exact words were, "don't lift because you won't get buff, cardio's the way to go." Now, I'm slowly working on breaking this fitness paradigm. I'm not lifting in hopes of getting "buff," I just want to have some nice muscle tone with very little excess fat. Lifting's the way to go if you want to burn fat. Cardio trims off about 300 calories in a half hour--not very efficient if you ask me, so it would just be for fun if I were to do it now.

My way of thinking is, "do I feel like legitimately sweating, or do I feel like getting through a tough workout with minimal sweat-age, if possible?" Don't get me wrong, I know there's sweat involved with lifting, but not nearly as much as with cardio.

I honestly don't feel like sweating right now, so I think I'm going to lift. imagine if EVERYONE thought like this, instead of "will I work out, or will I watch a movie?" If you make exercise a part of your daily routine, it'll feel like (and be!) more of a choice among options than an obligation :)

Thank you, Sunday Funday!

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