Friday, June 5, 2009

002. Ugh.

Okay, so I've been insanely sick the last few days. No, I don't mean to use "insanely" as a pun--I'm sorry for that, promise. But in any case, I feel like...ick. Feels like the flu crossed with mono. For the last 3 days. Ew.

But anyway, I finally got my Insanity preview in the mail on Tuesday! (...Now do you see the "insanely" pun I was referring to before? Heh heh.) I tried it out that night and I loved every second of it, even though I was DYING by the last set of "3x4"s. [Each set is 4 moves, and each set is repeated 3 times...hence 3 sets of 4 moves = 3x4s.] That set was ridiculous, but seriously, the whole workout is amazing. I can't even describe how excited I am for the rest of the series.

I also got my Recovery 4 Results One-on-One disc on Tuesday. I was going to do this one on Wednesday (to recover from Insanity the night before!) but then I started to get legitimately sick--spiked a fever, body aches, the whole 9 yards--and decided it wasn't the best idea. HOWEVER, I can't wait to do this one tomorrow. I feel like I'm turning to mush just laying in bed all day! (I haven't had much of an option but to lay in bed all day--every time I'm standing/walking around for more than 2 minutes, I start to feel like I'm going to collapse. ...Yeah, I know, it sucks big time.)

It was really weird. Yesterday, all I wanted was green beans. That's not the weird part--ever since I was little, I've always loved raw vegetables. The weird part was that this morning, for sh!ts and giggles, I got on the scale (even though I knew that the number wouldn't last long) and somehow I had "lost" 3 lbs. I really don't know how! Yesterday I ate an ENTIRE bag of green beans, a container of yogurt, drank a ton of water, had a few wasn't like I didn't eat! I think it's physically impossible to "lose" that much in a span of 24 hours, and therefore I think I need a new scale =] hehe.


I really can't wait to get back to my workout routine tomorrow.

I'm doing it, come hell or high water.

1 comment:

Thanks for your input! I look forward to reading your comments.